[Wc3-Map] Strange Struggle in the Woods v1.4
Player Commands:
-clear => clear the all text of your chat.
-ms => is for see the current movement speed of your hero.
-cc => with this you can see the places where the creeps alive in 5000 AoE of the current position of your hero.
these commands are activated after 15 seconds into the game.
Credits List:
Models => assasin_lord, JetFangInferno, epsilon, NhazUl, Toma, io, FarFacer, ddahe, Oniwaga, Gam_over, Ikcilapmada, qwerty_dude, Farday, Gwapogi, Valkemiere, !!GORO!!, FrIkY, Dunno, nhocklanhox6, Gamegear, MiniMage, dhguardianes, marcus158, FreiBier, dab, PeeKay, Champara Bros, 8uY_YoU, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, JesusHipster, Thrikodius, Callahan, -Grendel, UgoUgo, Kimberly, Nightcrime and Felz_09.
Icons => CRAZYRUSSIAN, Pyritie, Amigurumi, Hemske, PeeKay, -Berz-, Hellx-Magnus, Praytic, JollyD, CreatorD3292, Freezer, kuaga, Dentothor, Chikenpok29, Destructor [DoR], Static, stefanstan95, bigapple90, Marcos DAB, Golden-Drake, I3lackDeath, Anachron, Coinblin, Fjury, Big Dub, BlackDoom, Mc !, wet_water, NO-Bloody-Name, Kallimachos, Kimberly, OgeRfaCes, Kuhneghetz, frEAk49, The_Silent, KelThuzad, UgoUgo, zbc, OgeRfaCes, BeTaGod-, viiva, M0rbid, 4eNNightmare, Mr.Goblin, Crowolf, IamtheRper, kola, cedi, Nabzo and Darkfang.
Spells => Nightmare Moon => Bouncing Ball
Ofel => Rapid Slash
kingarmor1 => Rupture
Special Credits => priest170234, Yiyo, ChatiSnake, Judash and Deathkok.
Official WebSite: KnightFootmen2.webs.com