[Wc3-Map] Knight Footmen-Wars Tz v3.2
Welcome to the Knight Footmen-Wars Tz game.
You and your 12 friends can play in this map
The host (red player) can select game mode.
In this game being divided into four teams of up to 3 members each
Then select one of the heroes, each designed
for spell casting, hand to hand combat, or a little of both.
Once the game begins your goal is to kill enemy units or enemy base
(depends on the current gamemode)
For his part with his shrewd abilities to kill the other team with or without effort.
End to his enemies and get the win!
Select your game mode (Survivor/Normal/Hero Arena/Hero Defense)
You manage to beat your opponents and go for victory.
Game Events:
Duel System
Death Match System
Advanced Boss System
Credits List:
Models => Judash, Frankster, Uncle Fester, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, -Grendel, Callahan, Tarrasque, alfredx_sotn, Daelin, JetFangInferno, JesusHipster, Tranquil, Pyritie, ratamahatta, icewolf055, PeeKay, Callahan, Misha, Renderer17, xyzier_24, Ralle, HammerFist132, AndrewOverload519, Pvt.Toma, ILoGy, Wrathion, assasin_lord, Thrikodius and NhazUl.
Icons => PeeKay, Darkfang, Hellx-Magnus, bigapple90, CRAZYRUSSIAN, zbc, The Panda, Frankster, Hemske, Palaslayer,
asdfADRiAN, Blizzard, KelThuzad, kola, MortAr, -Berz-, Knight Online, D.ee, 67chrome, Big Dub, Daelin, jigrael and Redeemer59.
Spells => Kyousuke Imadori, Rmx, Marsal, f0rsAk3n, Zack1996, cyberkid, yeyoxcore, Paladon, TKF, G00dG4m3, Sauron, DotCa, Ofel The Editor, kingarmor1, Gmeister, Chaosy, Distor, Zanekok, Marsal, aaron, Marsal, Jazztastic and Almia.
Official WebSite: KnightFootmen2.webs.com